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荷属安的列斯-堡湾港(fort bay harbor)港口介绍
Fort Bay Harbor,SABA 堡湾港,萨巴
Saba's Port Access to Saba from the sea is on the south east shore of the island at Saba's only port Fort Bay Harbor. The port was made more user friendly back in 1972 with the completion of the Captain Leo Chance Pier. Thus allowing larger vessels that the existing small pier couldn't facilitate to dock. Since then the Fort Bay has expanded and the facilities have improved dramatically.
The Port is the busiest place on the island as it is used by Local Fishermen, Dive Operators, Ferry Services and Shipping companies alike. Practically all of Saba's goods move through here so delivery day can be quite hectic! You're always guaranteed to hear the islands most colorful language on a busy day... You'll find the Harbor Office, Customs, Saba Marine Park, Gas Station (the only one on the island!), Three Dive shops, Two restaurants and the Island's Electricity generators at the Fort, generators that not only power the entire island, but add a soundtrack to the melee that heightens its energy (and acts as censor for some of that aforementioned "colorful language").
Ferry Services
Sailing to Saba is an opportunity not to be missed. As she looms ever closer upon the horizon you'll be distracted from her silhouette by nature, keen eyes will be rewarded by the sight of brown booby birds chasing flying fish, sprightly dolphins and the luckiest of voyager may even spy a breaching whale...
Two regular Ferry Services use the Port; the Dawn II Ferry which is based on Saba and The Edge Ferry run by Aquamania which is based on St. Maarten. Check in times from St. Maarten are 4.00 pm from Dock Maarten Marina, Great Bay, Philipsburg, for the Dawn & 8.00 am at Pelican Marina for the Edge. The services do not run daily and are subject to change/weather conditions (as all travel is to Saba). Check out their web sites in our related links to get accurate up to date schedule information.
- 港口名称堡湾港
- 港口英文fort bay harbor
- 港口代码ANFBH
- 所属国家中文荷属安的列斯
- 所属国家英文fort bay harbor
- 所属航线加勒比航线
- 访客****886刚刚查询了其他书写、印刷或类似用途的纸及纸板
- 访客****715刚刚查询了80V<额定电压≤1000V有接头电导体
- 访客****222刚刚查询了其他印刷油墨
- 访客****268刚刚查询了杆径>6mm的其他螺钉及螺栓
- 访客****596刚刚查询了其他木制小雕像及其他装饰品
- 访客****706刚刚查询了其他干扁豆
- 访客****393刚刚查询了品目8512所列装置的零件
- 访客****312刚刚查询了化纤制其他男成人衬衫
- 访客****51刚刚查询了塑料制其他家庭用具及卫生或盥洗用具
- 访客****500刚刚查询了塑料制其他家庭用具及卫生或盥洗用具
- 访客****703刚刚查询了其他材料制帚,刷,拖把及毛掸
- 访客****658刚刚查询了其他彩色的监视器
- 访客****610刚刚查询了其他材料制帚,刷,拖把及毛掸
- 访客****159刚刚查询了其他垫圈
- 访客****712刚刚查询了家具用贱金属配件及架座
- 访客****843刚刚查询了具有书写或绘画面的石板、黑板
- 访客****785刚刚查询了其他木框架的坐具
- 访客****333刚刚查询了其他锂离子蓄电池
- 访客****296刚刚查询了其他编号未列名的动物产品
- 访客****90刚刚查询了品目8518所列货品的其他零件
- 访客****417刚刚查询了化纤制其他女式服装
- 访客****308刚刚查询了机动车辆用未列名零件.附件
- 访客****613刚刚查询了纯生物柴油
- 访客****189刚刚查询了经其他加工的其他宝石或半宝石
- 访客****395刚刚查询了经其他加工的水晶
- 访客****743刚刚查询了小包装的味美思酒及类似酒
- 访客****215刚刚查询了制冰机、冰激凌机
- 访客****986刚刚查询了制冰机、冰激凌机
- 访客****361刚刚查询了本章其他编号未列名的机器零件
- 访客****630刚刚查询了成套工具组成的零售包装货品
- 访客****126刚刚查询了其他商品编号未列名化工副产品及废物
- 访客****404刚刚查询了每平米重>150克经浸渍长丝无纺布
- 访客****93刚刚查询了未漂白或漂白纯聚酯变形长丝机织物
- 访客****153刚刚查询了其他未列名的具有独立功能的电气设备及装置
- 访客****373刚刚查询了其他矿物油用的配制添加剂
- 访客****625刚刚查询了已配剂量含有维生素等的其他药品
- 访客****92刚刚查询了钎焊机器及装置用烙铁及焊枪
- 访客****162刚刚查询了小包装的鲜葡萄酿造的酒
- 访客****298刚刚查询了小包装的鲜葡萄酿造的酒
- 访客****800刚刚查询了稳压电源及不间断供电电源零件
- 访客****822刚刚查询了其他光通讯设备
- 访客****799刚刚查询了钢铁制脚手架模板坑凳用支柱及类似设备
- 访客****206刚刚查询了其他耐火陶瓷制品
- 访客****904刚刚查询了水泥,混凝土或人造石制其他制品
- 访客****4刚刚查询了品目8428所列其他机械的零件
- 访客****487刚刚查询了钢铁制脚手架模板坑凳用支柱及类似设备
- 访客****487刚刚查询了钢铁制脚手架模板坑凳用支柱及类似设备
- 访客****787刚刚查询了电动机驱动其他用于制冷设备的压缩机
- 访客****639刚刚查询了波分复用光传输设备
- 访客****604刚刚查询了皮革或再生皮革的其他制品